It will be updated with links to the relevant posts as they are posted and/or the index is revised.
- why paint landscapes
- concepts and landscapes
- "first impression, then expression" - the emotional response to a landscape subject
- the landscape format
- different approaches to composition
- placement of the horizon line
- zones - foreground /middle ground/ background
- simplifying the landscape
- massing and shapes in the landscape
- landscape and value patterns
- aerial perspective
- perspective in the landscape
- landscape and scale
- landscapes through the window
- staffage - the figure in the landscape
- landscape colour palettes
- how colours vary according to different locations and latitudes
- how colours vary according to different seasons
- the colour of atmospheric effects
- how to draw/paint a tree
- how to draw/paint water
- how to draw/paint clouds
- how to draw/paint buildings
- how to draw/paint figures in the landscape
- how to paint the landscape in the sky
- how to develop a landscape series
- landscapes and mark-making
- landscape and line
- landscape and dots
- use photos to create landscape art (and what NOT to do)
- how to abstract a landscape
- plein air kits
- the best plein air easel is...
- choosing a location
- pros and cons of the familiar
- painting landscapes using oils
- painting landscapes using acrylics
- painting landscapes using mixed media
- painting landscapes using pastels
- drawing landscapes using coloured pencils
- drawing landscapes using pen and ink
- painting landscapes using mixed media
- creating prints of landscapes
- shooting the landscape
- how to eliminate details
- John Carlsson
- Arthur Dow (notan)
Your input is welcomed in relation to:
- suggestions as to what else needs to be considered for inclusion in the list
- comments on the suggested topics
This post will be updated and revised with links, as they are posted, to
- new threads in The Art in the Landscape ning community
- new posts on the Art of the Landscape
- new posts on the blogs of individuals
1 comment:
Just wanted to let you know that I linked to this blog in my most recent blog post
The Art of Landscape looks like it's off to a great start. I need to update my blog roll!
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