Thursday 3 June 2010

Hawaii - Virtual Paintout in June

Hawaii (extract from Google Maps)

The Virtual Paintout for June is Hawaii!

This is a link to Bill's Virtual Paintout blog and the thread of the Hawaii Virtual Paintout in June 2010.  

View Larger Map
There's lots to explore in Hawaii. Beaches (of course), urban scenes, farm scenes, beautiful vistas, etc. Currently only two of the islands have Street View available. So wander around those two all you like and find that perfect spot. 

Please be careful to note the following in Bill's post
It is necessary to stress the importance of a couple of rules. One is the image size issue. It states in the rules in the right sidebar on this blog that the image has to be at a resolution of 72 and no larger than 1000 pixels on the widest side. Submissions not following the rules will not be posted.

Also, each artist must now include the URL of the location that the artwork is based upon.
If your submission doesn't show up on the blog, please check the list near the top in the sidebar entitled, "Don't see your submission? This could be the reason..." Thanks.
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