
Saturday 15 September 2012

Winslow Homer's Studio at Prout Neck

This is a slideshow of photos of Winslow Homer's Studio at Prout Neck in Maine - plus a Vanity fair article on the studio and his painting habits  It would seem Winslow Homer was pretty smart as to the timing of paintings to satisfy the seasonality of people's interests

Winslow Homer West Point, Prout's Neck

West Point, Prout's Neck (1910) by Winslow Homer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

It looks as if tours of the studio where he settled in 1883 are about to start.  This is an extract from the Portland Museum of Art's website relating to The Year of Winslow Homer
Walk in Winslow Homer's footsteps.
The Portland Museum of Art is pleased to offer tours to this National Historic Landmark beginning on September 25.
Reservation details »
In addition, the Museum is having an exhibition Homer's Prouts Neck Home (22 September - 30 December 2012)
To celebrate the opening of the newly renovated Winslow Homer Studio at Prouts Neck, the Portland Museum of Art presents Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine. This extraordinary exhibition showcases 38 masterpieces that the great American artist Winslow Homer (1836-1910) created during the final decades of his life, when he lived and worked in Maine.
For more about Winslow Homer see my website - About Winslow Homer - American Artist


  1. Homer has always been a favorite of mine, especially since I grew up at the ocean.
    I will have to visit his studio someday.
    Even the building itself looks so sturdy and hardy in its design, much like Homers work, probably due its location. In fact it almost seems more modern than the the turn of the century, like a modern retro look.

    I looked it up on google maps, although they mis-identified the actual studio. It was fun to see the surrounding area, the rocks at the shore. You can see where his inspiration came from for many of his treacherous winter seascapes... fascinating!

  2. This is a record of my visit to Prout's neck

    Thursday 21st September: "In the footsteps of Winslow Homer - nearly" -

  3. Enjoyed reading, and seeing your past excursion in Prouts Neck Maine.
    When I go I have been forewarned of the parking tribulations.
    Love the Massacre Pond, Prout's Neck, Maine sketch.
    DId you get to see Homers Studio?

  4. No - I didn't. I knew it was there but also that it was private property.

    If you read the links you'll see that they announce that the studio has only just reopened after renovation. That's the purpose of the post - people can now go and see it for the very first time


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