
Saturday 3 April 2010

Sculpture in the garden at Hoglands, Perry Green

A view of the the sculpture garden and the rear of Hoglands
I do like a good sculpture garden. Not only do you get art in the landscape but it also makes me want to draw art in the landscape. Not this week though as Perry Green at the end of March was being absolutely typical - blue skies and sunshine one minute and then grey sky, looming clouds and driving rain the next!

Below you can find images of a small sample of the Henry Moore sculptures which can be seen in the garden of his former home Hoglands in Perry Green, Hertfordshire. The website provides an interactive map of the garden of Hoglands and where they all are in the garden and the fields around and about.

The garden and his studios are now open through until the end of August. I'm intending to go back and draw when the weather becomes a tad more reliable!

There is also an exhibition of his prints and portfolios in the gallery there - see Henry Moore Deluxe: Prints and Portfolios

You need to ring and book if you want to visit. Visits in the week are guided tours (I'd advise avoiding the school party mornings.) but you are free to wander around on Fridat, Saturday and Sunday.

This is the link to my Flickr set Henry Moore Sculptures, Hoglands, Perry Green

Large Standing Figure - Knife Edge 1976 by Henry Moore

Upscaling Henry Moore at Perry Green

Family Group 1948-49 by Henry Moore at Perry Green

The Arch 1963-69 by Henry Moore at Perry Green

Sheep Piece 1971-72 by Henry Moore

all photos copyright Katherine Tyrrell / courtesy of the Henry Moore Foundation

For those who are interested:
  • Henry Moore - Resources for Artists is an information site which celebrates his life and work
  • Hoglands by David Mitchinson - is a book about Hoglands but focuses more on Moore and his home than on the sculpture in the garden.

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