
Thursday 8 April 2010

Desert sandhills and an elephant

Desert Sandhills stretching to the Horizon
Elephant Skull Plate XXII 1969
etching by Henry Moore

all photos copyright Katherine Tyrrell / Courtesy The Henry Moore Foundation

You can find landscapes in odd places.

When I saw this etching by Henry Moore at the Sheep Barn Galleries in Perry Green I was convinced it was a landscape - which I thought very odd since Moore wasn't given to drawing landscapes.

When I walked over the title confirmed it.

What's odd is that he found this landscape while drawing an elephant skull.

Henry Moore at work on an etching plate in 1968 (Elephant Skull album)
original photo by Errol Jackson in 1968 / Henry Moore Archive

You can see my review of the latest Henry Moore Exhibition Henry Moore Deluxe: Books Prints & Portfolios on Making A Mark.

I think this one was my favourite of all the etchings I saw when visiting the exhibition last week.

Have you ever found a landscape somewhere unexpected?



  1. I take a few snapshots, and purposefully look for hidden "landscapes" in unsuspected objects.
    If I might make so bold as to add this link to a group of Flickr photos of mine called "Appearances Can Be Deceiving".


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