
Thursday 25 March 2010

From completed landscape drawing to Streetview

Monterchi from the Via Madonna del Parto
8" x 10", coloured pencil on Arches HP
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

This is the reverse version of the Virtual paintout process. First the drawing and then the Streetview perspective!

Above is a drawing of Monterchi in Tuscany - home of the Madonna del Parto by Piero della Francesco and below is the scene from Streetview of very nearly the place where I got this view. I was stood one row into the vines on the right hand side. The Streetview is from the Via Madonna del Parto.

The Streetview perspective seems to me to be mid afternoon whereas my view was on my regular drive from Citerna to a house near Lippiano - which involved going past this view at about 9am each morning - hence mine has a rather different light and the shadows are different.

I'm tickled pink to see that the very tall post for the vines is still there and is still leaning precariously!

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Has anybody else gone back to find the view they drew or painted on holiday via Streetview?


  1. What a great idea. I must do that. I love your drawing... so soft.

  2. Katherine - that is just beautiful!

  3. Well, so how cool is that?
    I have not had the privilege of travelling to make art, but would love to now visit the places I have 'gone to' using Street View.

    I admit to being smitten by Street View as an artists tool. Infinite possibilities!

  4. I've mainly travelled for my landscape drawing/painting so for me it's a way of making a record of the places I've been to.

    I'm going to be creating a new location oriented theme to this blog - places to paint from - so this will fit in very neatly with that.


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