
Improve your Landscapes

This is an OUTLINE of planned future topics for posts about how to improve your landscape art.  The intention is to create an index of links to posts on this blog or elsewhere about the different practical aspects of how to translate landscape into art - in terms of drawings, paintings, prints or photography.  At present this is more of an outline than an index of topics. 

Some of the link are to posts on my other blogs or other people's blogs/websites.  This index will be updated with links to the relevant posts on this blog as they are posted and/or the index is revised.

HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  You can write a post on your own blog and have it highlighted in this index if featured on this blog



Why paint landscapes

Concepts and landscapes

"First impression, then expression" - the emotional response to a landscape subject


    Basic composition and design

    Landscape and scale

    Different approaches to composition

      The landscape format
      Placement of the horizon line
      Zones - foreground /middle ground/ background

      How to simplify the landscape
      Massing and shapes in the landscape
      Landscape and value patterns
      Aerial perspective
      Perspective in the landscape
      Landscapes through the window
      Staffage - the figure in the landscape


        Landscape colour palettes

        How colours vary according to different locations and latitudes

        How colours vary according to different seasons

        The colour of atmospheric effects

          HOW TO......

          How to draw a tree - Find a collection of tree drawings and explanations how they have been done. Get inspired by famous and less famous, but very impressive contemporary and historic examplesof tree drawings and have a look at online drawing tutorials. Get some inspiration here to find your own way how to do a tree drawing.

          a pen and ink study drawn from life
          part of a landscape sketchbook project
          Martin Stankewitz

          How to draw/paint a tree
            "How to Draw a tree" is a gold nugget of art education
            Katherine Tyrrell
            how to draw/paint water
            how to draw/paint clouds
            how to paint snow
            how to draw/paint buildings
            how to draw/paint figures in the landscape
            how to paint the landscape in the sky

            how to develop a landscape series

            landscapes and mark-making

            landscape and line

            landscape and dots

            use photos to create landscape art (and what NOT to do)

            how to abstract a landscape

              PLEIN AIR SPECIFIC
              Painting Media for plein air
              Choosing a location

              • Making A Mark -  How good is your visual recognition memory? ponders some questions ie How good is your visual capacity and your visual memory? How good is your brain at perceiving information and recording visual memories? How much do you rely on visual memory records when developing a sketch, drawing or painting of a place, object or event?
              • pros and cons of the familiar

              Working with the Light
              Artists Sketching in the White Mountains 1868 by Winslow Homer
              9 1/2" x 15 7/8", Oil on panel
              Source: Wikipedia

              Plein Air Kits
              • the best plein air easel is...
              Observations on Plein Air Painting


                MEDIA: OIL PAINTING
                painting landscapes using oils
                  MEDIA: ACRYLICS
                  painting landscapes using acrylics
                    MEDIA: WATERCOLOUR
                    painting landscapes using mixed media
                      MEDIA: PASTELS
                      painting landscapes using pastels
                        MEDIA: COLOURED PENCILS
                        drawing landscapes using coloured pencils
                        MEDIA: PEN AND INK
                        drawing landscapes using pen and ink
                          MEDIA: MIXED MEDIA
                          painting landscapes using mixed media
                            MEDIA: PRINT-MAKING
                            creating prints of landscapes
                              MEDIA: PHOTOGRAPHY
                              shooting the landscape

                                COPYING THE MASTERS 

                                A study of Turner's snowstorm seascape
                                coloured pencil on Arches HP, 8" x 10" 
                                copyright Katherine Tyrrell


                                  LESSONS LEARNED FROM LANDSCAPE TEACHERS

                                  Arthur Dow (notan) - both the posts below will be replaced when I've written a specific post about how Dow's ideas about notan apply to the landscape - however the posts outline the general principles
                                  John Carlsson

                                  INTERVIEWS WITH ARTISTS